JCO - The Untold Story (Looking for people)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by jim_veens, Oct 10, 2015.

  1. jim_veens

    jim_veens Well-Known Member

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    4:10 AM
    Hello, my name is Jim, lots of people in MYM already know me, but a lot of new members, may not.
    I used to make Minecraft videos for youtube around 2012, almost every video sucked, the one below is one of them, this one is better than most of em, its understandable most of em sucked, i used iMovie at the time, but i've adobe these days.

    (Don't worry staff! the server i made this video on is long gone, it went offline for the last time around 2013!)
    BUT! i am wanting to start this all over again, by creating a MC Series, I am looking for people that could perhaps, join me to make my wish come true!
    I am currently writing a story, that is better than the one in the video above.

    You might wonder why the title of this thread is called "Jco - The untold story". its called that because, i always had a company, called "Jco" in modded mc servers, i started that "Jco" with someone that used to be my friend, JAMIERANDELL is his name, (he became a douchebag against everyone including me so yeah, bye friendship) but Jco stayed with me, and even in MyM, i wanted to use Jco in that series.
    When i got full storyline ready, i will post it in this Thread.

    Why i am looking for people?
    I cannot do everything on my own. I need people that can help me build a set, and everything, This all will be set for the series. I will do any payment for music rights and everything, but the help is fully Voluntarily. You will be in the credits though,
    I Need people for helping me build up the set, i need Actors, etc, etc,

    If you're willing to help me out, it would be amazing!
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  2. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    Local Time:
    3:10 AM
    I'm in! Always willing to help out!
  3. DaBoss2231

    DaBoss2231 Active Member

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    Local Time:
    8:10 PM
    i can help.
  4. alfiealfie

    alfiealfie Well-Known Member

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    4:10 PM
    ask and thou shalt receive,

    i cant stop with Shakespearian jokes today, jesus
    DaBoss2231 likes this.

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