Erledigt Killed if i have pvp off!

Discussion in 'TPPI' started by ollinator01, Feb 14, 2015.

  1. ollinator01

    ollinator01 Active Member

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    Local Time:
    12:48 PM
    I was with Rioghan_2 and Berkant360 on his Claim and Rioghan_2 had charge his plamsa cannon on his Energiefist and shoot accidental on me if i have my /pvp off and i was killed!
    I have a Death Enderchest and my Items spawn in the Chest and the Energie Helmet was lost.
    Please get back the Helmet and 2 Hologramemitter!
    Thanks ollinator01
  2. iCallHaxx

    iCallHaxx New Member

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    Local Time:
    3:48 AM
    They have a no refund policy so you're not getting your items back, sorry man!

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