Please please please help!! We love this game, and this server, but the lag is killing the experiance. What can we do to fix this? are there certain mods we can dump to fix it? anything please. There are a core group of players here that really get along and we want to play.
I was just in game and didn't experience any lag at that moment. Sadly enough it is a bit to late at this moment to still do something about it as lag issues have to be threated at the moment they are happening. If it happens again then please inform us or poke a staff member in TS.
not really really sure if its certian users, but air locks dont work chests wont open cant pick up items ( if i eat an apple usally helps with picking blocks, open my own inventory and then chest will open, jump up and down and air lock opens) MrR20 and i both experiance trouble with the relocator pipes it seems that it is an issue when they cross chunk lines but could be wrong. will sign into TS and do the poke thing because this is an awesome mod and there is starting to be a good comunity of nice players here. also thank you for your concern because i know keeping this running is more about caring than money and that there is alot of work involved to make it right. wish i could help but im usless with code now.