The great community builds around spawn, saved. Everyone's shops, same... My base. TsumiWashi's base, also. I lost Luph's base, but his arena is safe. Lost Icy's base. I took a last last look at the half of Princess' house that remains, and wondered if that was the half that our MCA child was in when the world fractured the house into a remnant. I went home one last time. Emptied my ender chest. Stoked the fire. Turned off the light, and pulled the covers up to my chin. Good night... To those players that brought so much to the server, thanks. I enjoyed our time together. John, you stepped up and did your best to balance many requests. Luph, your builds inspired so many. Jima, I still admire your door solution. Well done. Icy, I was looking forward to that arena build. I'm sorry I never got to see it. Jdawg, You helped out time and again. A pleasure, sir. To all the shop makers, I went through one last time and appreciated your work. You all added something great. Morten and Mrs., You are a great team, but you already knew that. TsumiWashi, We almost got a second chance. If only it had worked out. The railroad station, Luph's arena, Morten's base, the community at (East?) spawn, Icy's base, the ship at the marina... so many inspiring builds in what turned out to be a very cooperative world. If I forgot you, stand up so that I may correct my error. Tell your civilization story. I spent a great many hours with you, and beside you. Thanks for making them such a pleasure. Be well my friends. Ace of Bases
Well done post. The retirement of a server is always a sad thing. But it makes way for my happiness elsewhere. I encourage everyone to look at the many options we have for new homes and enjoy what there is.
Excellent and Inspiring post i must say... The Civ Community (players) where great and alot of fun to hang around with. I had alot of fun with building along side Luphadir's Real estate, as co-builder. Thank you all for the love and fun we had on the Civ server. Thank you Ghostriderrr for keeping us save in early stages. Thanks to the clan-members me and luph had and the intell i got about some mods i didn't really played much with. (Like Witchery ) the one who i am talking about knows it . I can't say more then Thanks to all of you who made my time at Civ a happy and fun time.