What if there was a list on the forums of support threads that have 0 replys or are less than 2 weeks old without resolving (anything that goes longer than 2 weeks without replys would be removed from the list and concidered as a dead thread) This may help people including staff find the threads that need help most, and in turn help those threads get support sooner. I am in no way an expert on code and do not know how hard this would be to add on the forums but it may be a nice feature
Potato ftw. As there is a bunch of staff members that look through all recently added/replied threads, there is probably no need for this.
yes but most of the time players can help too, and this would just make it generally easyer to tell which threads need help and beable to ignore the ones that are dead without wasting time looking through them just to find out it was resolved or the creator just stopped posting or something.
I think this might help since newer and the slightly older players might not know of the filter option. (Example: me a few minutes ago ) Also, i like turnip better than potatoes...
Also on mobile (which is what I use on the forums most of the time) there is no option for that (at least not an obvious way) nvm found it but it's still not obvious Also as far as I can tell you can only filter in each individual mod pack sub forum not in all of the support forums at once. (Yeah I know about the way to see the 5 most recent support forum posts.)
There are two ways: click on the prefix on a thread list (e.g. https://i.imgur.com/TrZnHN1.png) execute an advanced search without a keyword but the prefix filter (e.g. https://i.imgur.com/Sbgdkw6.png Search Results | MineYourMind Community