i was preparing to fight the wither and made a klever and modded it. then i warpend to spawn and wanted to warp further to the farm world. i noticed that my kleaver was missing. i searched back in my base but nothing there... some thin like this happened to a few other but not important things in the past. can someone pls help me ?
yes. i crafted the kleaver and then i warped to spawn. no one was there ( no person ) the kleaver was gone but my wither skulls, soulsand and a dia shovel was still there. i wasent holding the kleaver in my hand atm.
From what i can tell this loss of items occurs when someone puts something into their inventory immediately before switching servers.. mods have been telling people to leave items in their inventory for at least a minute before switching via commands, and I've mainly been advising people switching servers with a large amount of valuables to actually log out and then direct connect to the server they're switching to rather than using the commands. I could be wrong, but my assumption is that when switching via commands like /spawn the teleport is going through before the ivnsync can propagate to the destination server.
I've had the same problem. I use my enderchest, put valuable stuff in it. Although its a donator perk.