Implemented Many Players dissapointed. Please read.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Canadian_King, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. Canadian_King

    Canadian_King New Member

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    Local Time:
    9:13 PM
    Dear sir's/ladies,

    I have played on Agrarian skies 1 for about 15 hour, and thourougly enjoyed it. During my playtime I have come to realise something. The ability to spawn enderdragons in the nether. Now, I have heard from players that staff have simpley side stepped this complaint (which I have seen players quit and not come back because of), stating that it is not required to go to the nether. I would like if you would please read this argument and deliberate on it's answer. True, the quest book does not NEED you to go to the nether. However, not only does spawning ender dragons for pointless reasons cause MORE LAG and CRASH the server more often, it effects peoples abilities to have fun. People want to have fun, and the nether has always been a fun experience; but when I spawn in, I lag for so long that I get killed by 4 dragons. I tested it, and wearing some of the higher end gear would still barely let me escape 3 dragons, not counting the lag from generating the nether and having three bosses in one chunk. The resolve? I ask politely on the behalf of my fellow players and myself, that the ability to spawn ender dragons in the nether be removed based on: Lag, purposeless(it resolves no quest nor special items), players leaving, and just making the nether not a fun place to play in and explore. The mobs in the nether are already over powered and adding in multiple ender dragons does not HELP. I understand as a staff and not a player you don't see this the same way we do, but please ask your server. If 98% say they don't want it, it is possible it is a good idea to remove it. Thank you for taking the time to read this, if you are a player and support this idea please comment a short support comment so the staff realise this is a growing issue with lag and it just being dumb. Thanks! I eagerly wait your deliberation's.
    Lauralou444 and King_Cronus like this.
  2. Canadian_King

    Canadian_King New Member

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    9:13 PM
    Note, another resolve would be as simple as not having a community spawn. Allowing portals to generate all over the nether so as the dragon can't find you all the time. That would be a much simpler solvent!
  3. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    3:13 AM
    There is a lot or reasons why your post is correct, but there is more reasons as to why your post is incorrect and filled with incorrect information.
    1. The dragon has to be spawned in the nether to protect player islands. The reason the questbook says nothing about this is because firstly endcake works in single player so it could be done there. Secondly agrarian is more meant for a single player world or with a few friends meaning that the pack won't come across issues that a public server will have.

    2. Multiple portals could work but not easy to do on a 1.6.4 server. The other issue is that no matter where you spawn your dragon it will always end up if not killed quickly heading back to X:0 Y:0 as the dragons are coded to do that when not in the end.

    3. The lag is purely client side, all the worlds (minus void worlds) are pre-generated, meaning that the server will load the world very quickly. Any issues you get with loading in the world is only happening on the client side, if there is low tps then the server may not realise you have moved to the nether and cause a tiny bit of delay but not enough to warrant "lag".
    elemage likes this.
  4. Canadian_King

    Canadian_King New Member

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    9:13 PM
    Officially you win this argument. It still leaves players un able to go to the nether until very late game. Or, why can't they change the community spawn point to not 0,0 where the ender dragon is drawn too? I am not seeking to win this argument, only to understand and help where I play minecraft. Thanks!
  5. Bennyboy1695

    Bennyboy1695 Well-Known Member

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    3:13 AM
    There may be plugins out there that will allow it, but it would most likely cause more issues then there already is as it would need to be compatible with the custom MyM stuff aswell. The easiest solution would probably be to have the dragons killed every so often if one remains and for anyone that has lag issues to go into the nether after that point
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    4:13 AM
    First time I hear of that issue.
    I removed the dragons.
  7. Canadian_King

    Canadian_King New Member

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    Local Time:
    9:13 PM
    Thanks! I am fine with people spawning dragons it's part of the game. But to spawn them for fun and just to annoy players in my opinion, defeats some of the purpose of the game. Thanks for listening! :)
  8. Lauralou444

    Lauralou444 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:13 PM
    Thankyou Canadian for raising this. The resent overtaking of the nether by dragons was a big turnoff from playing on the AGN server for me for quite some time. I understand from reading above that some dragons need to be spawned as part of the game - and im fine with that - but i am not fine with players spawning large numbers of them, especially at the spawn point, to "discourage" other players from using the nether. I was happy to hear the other day that the spawn point in particular was now dragon free :) and I have now ventured further than 20 steps on multiple occasions :D. I will probably die many more time in the nether - but now I am able to gain more strategies for surviving down there - which was not possible when it was overrun by the dragons.

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