Market Plpace Suggestion

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by DarkEffort, Feb 23, 2015.

  1. DarkEffort

    DarkEffort New Member

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    5:17 PM
    glad to see you playing again. In light of the moderator fiasco with the market, I had an intersting idea to eliminate all pointless arguments with what is considered endgame and at the same time promoting healthy player activity. its so simple.

    Only allow basic resources on the market, so your ores in their raw form and logs and anything else that is dug out of the ground or dropped by mobs or plants.

    this will do a couple things, it will put more value on basic resources and elimate all arguements about what is end game.

    so no machines, tools anything that is crafted by the player wouldn't be allowed on the market place

    this would also promote the shop as players if they REALLY really want machines fast they would eithier trade with players privatly or buyy them from the shop using credits

    Also it would force players to some degree to be less lazy and build on their own.

    It would also be easier to moderate as a whitelist of only the basic resources could be created to make sure that only resources ,mobdrops and plants were alloowed on the market place.

    I think this would be more efficient than wasting moderators and co-admins time with these pointless end game item arguments.

    bobthepig2 likes this.
  2. bobthepig2

    bobthepig2 Well-Known Member

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    I love this idea, but i also love the market we have already. Also why limit the basic items? I think their should not be a white list to only the "beginning items" but allowing all items as they are not "end game" as the system we already have.

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