Done Massive frame drops in certain chunks AG3

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by Kyukiou, Jan 31, 2015.

  1. Kyukiou

    Kyukiou Well-Known Member

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    4:18 PM
    EDIT: I included a screenshot of "F3 settings"

    Hi, I am wondering how you can fix certain chunk frame drops/lag on AG3. Friend & I only lag in a certain part of the island, and it's just been recently as well. We built this dirt platform for spawning animals, but then later realized that no ANIMALS never spawned in a plains biome.. so, we turned it into a farm.. As soon as we started laying dirt down we started to notice massive lag spikes. I'm talking about, going from 300 FPS, down to 0-10 and staying there for about 5 seconds. According to F9 (chunks) These lag spikes only happen in the area of dirt, and only in certain chunks of the dirt platform. Is there a way to fix this? It's almost getting to the point of unplayable.

    I should also note, that there is ABSOLUTELY NO MACHINES in these areas. JUST DIRT. and torches. We've also dropped down to height 4-10 with jetpacks on to look for nodes to see if that may of caused anything and nothing. Also flew up to around 1300-1400 and nothing as well.

    I do have some cobblestone platforms (large ones) and it's smooth FPS over there.

    I would greatly appreciate if someone out there can help us. I enjoy playing AGS, but now it's unplayable as of recently in the few weeks. :(
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2015
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    10:18 PM
    dirt shouldn't cause this. did you add anything with particles?
  3. Kyukiou

    Kyukiou Well-Known Member

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    Haven't added anything. Things that were built after the dirt platform was a large barn with painted wood (Which is still standing atm; but we don't lag inside it) However, after thinking about it earlier we did have to change the biome about 2 weeks ago to plains to try spawning in passive mobs. But, we noticed that we didn't have to pay MYMs to change biome ( I don't know if this was on purpose or not ), but I'm thinking if it wasn't on purpose the 2 biomes could be clashing together every try we run through it ( The lag is real bad when using a jetpack to make circles within the 2-8 chunk radius)
  4. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:18 PM
    How is it without useing the jetpack and how is it if you disable all particles in the options?
  5. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    I just flew around your island multiple times with the render distance on far, besides the normal chunk load/render spikes there is no problem for me. It even is one of the best running islands with nearly 100fps everywhere. On a lot of islands I only get 10-14 fps and wonder how the creator can play there.
  6. Kyukiou

    Kyukiou Well-Known Member

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    Without using the jetpack it's just constant slideslow in those certain areas. We don't lag anywhere else though. It's really specific. Like we get over 200 FPS in the rest of the areas, but once we go in those chunks the game just stops.. completely stops.. No machines there though... Almost thought about starting again.. but I'm afraid we might run into the problem again :(

    We do get high FPS on the rest of the cobblestone area, it's only within the garden area, specifically where the picture was taken. (There was a lake there, now just a hole) And it's not just going through the chunks that create this massive lag. If we just stand still in those chunks. Either the game crashes or it's constant 0-10 fps.. That's just us standing still though.. I don't get it.. Is that really suppose to happen?

    I get the same results if I'm playing on max settings and complete low settings.

    And I find it completely odd how the lag just recently started.. Like 2 weeks ago in that area.. ONLY that area. We don't even lag in the computer room with all those machines.. It's smooth down there, go above ground, fly over to the grassy area and l-l-lag-cras-crash.. It's disappointing :( :([DOUBLEPOST=1422746211,1422745483][/DOUBLEPOST]Also.. Is changing the biome for free allowed? Because, that has actually been bothering us since the lag started.. Cause in the menu settings it says X amount of MYMs per chunk and it didn't cost us anything.. I'm really convinced that there's 2 biomes or something within the same chunk, or something went wrong when we changed the biome (For free apparently)
  7. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:18 PM
    Hm, I also don't have the issue (Only a short lag spike if I switch between this 2 chunks.) :
    I suggest you to avoid this chunks, the island should be big enough.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    10:18 PM
    yeah, we did fix it for skyfactory but not pull it over yet.

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