Material Cost for 64x Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel Check in

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Bu11sEyes, Jul 6, 2016.

  1. Bu11sEyes

    Bu11sEyes Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    12:58 AM
    More Math yay :D Another sample of what it would cost just to make 64 ultimate hybrid solar panels in INE:E = Infinity Skyblock evolved Expert.

    64 ultimate hybrid solar panel

    64 lapis blocks = 576 lapis
    192 coal chunk = 1536 compressed coal ball = 1536 coal ball = 12288 coal dust,1536 flint
    128 enriched sunnarium alloy = 512 enriched sunnarium, 128 sunnarium alloy

    128 sunnarium alloy = 1024 iridium reinforced plate, 128 sunnarium
    128 sunnarium = 128 glowstone blocks & 1152m Eu
    1024 iridium reinforced plate = 4096 advanced alloy, 4096 iridium ore,1024 diamonds

    4096 advanced alloy = 12288 Iron plate, Bronze plate,Tin Plate
    12228 bronze plate = 36864 Copper, 12228 tin

    4096 Iridium ore
    4096 Mox Nuclear Fuel = 24576 Uranium 238, 12288 Plutonium
    4096 Pellets of RTG fuel = 24576 Dense Iron plate, 12288 Plutonium

    24576 Dense iron plate = 221184 iron ingots

    X2 > 12288 Plutnium = 110592 Tiny Pile of plutonium = 110592 Fuel rods (Single Cells) This should also produce more then enough Uranium 238

    Remember this is only The ultimate hybrid solar panel not previous steps
  2. Timmypwn

    Timmypwn Well-Known Member

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    12:58 AM
    damn, thats like.... alot. i wonder how this compares to some crazy recipes the devilish devs of hypov. made.
  3. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:58 PM
    You called ;)
    Timmypwn likes this.
  4. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Local Time:
    12:58 AM
    x1 Survivalist generator is good too :)
    MrSquidward_ likes this.

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