Done ME mac setup advice

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by caithleen, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    3:21 AM
    I currently use a setup that algorithmx himself showed :


    This setup can/should be expanded by more macs on the free interface sides.

    This enables the interfaces to handle multiple jobs at a time.

    Today i was crafting a big solar, which has many small redundant crafts and so my ME showed up with a value of 8 on the top ME systems. (The rest of the system is small, around 15 channels, non stackable items are trashcanned or exported).

    Of course a mod came by and told me that the layout of the macs would be the issue (not the crafting...) and i should change to his 1 mac-4 interface design.

    I doubt it will help with performance when i change this layout. Advice?

    Edit: Interesting ... i profiled and the me didnt show up anywhere, but a XU Node i use for autocrafting was quite high (allready removed it), so XU autocraft doesnt seems to be a good alternative.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
  2. Xfel11

    Xfel11 Consultant

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    The me never shows up on the profiler.
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    but the profiling I built..

    I don't think it would make a difference, but please don't extend it, it's big enough.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    @Moderator knowing what lets a me system perform bad is not some simple knowledge. Please only give advice and state it is your personal opinion/experience. In the end the player has to figure it out by him self. (I even do this my self.)
  5. caithleen

    caithleen Patron Tier 1

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    3:21 AM
    Nah i wont extend it and try to make my larger autocrafts in the CET-morning when playbase is low :=)
  6. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    8:21 PM
    I have autocrafting for almost every mod and I use 1/2 the amount of MAC that you are using.

    I personally prefer more interfaces per MAC.. Sure bigger recipes can take a little longer if they have multiple parts trying to be made in the same MAC, but it also takes up a lot less space :p

    Nice design though!

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