u need to change the recepie on the ultimate solar panel in Infinity. it need ca 24k ledstone solar to make 1 ultimate. and if i cant use my autocraft for the jobb its not wort doing at all. it will only give ca 32k rf/t mid day. so its not so good but it had been nice to get rid of the big reactor thats keep on emptying every time the server crashes. my suggestion is to remove 4 of the 8 u need to make one higer tier solar and use iron nugers insted of steel nugets
I kinda have to agree on this.. The recepie for those solar are ridiculous. For what they actually give you. A big reactor will pump out way more power at a way lower cost.
On the yellorium-fuel-disappearing : Build reactors in single chunks and it wont happen. Im using a 15*15*6 burner design with 60k rf for that.
its a active reactor whit cc control that runs 8 turbines that produce ca 23-24k rf/t or a total of 188k rf/t it use 6,6 mb/tick for 10-15 t and 0 mb/tick for 20-30 tick cryo and diamond blocks around the fuel rods.
I am against changing the recipes. Its 32k Rf/t in 1 block! That's insane. Plus, there are so many other ways of creating power aside from just Big Reactors and Solars. The idea is for it to be an endgame power item. Something to work for. It wouldn't be fun if everyone could just autocraft them in 2 minutes.
optimize your me system. a proper setup allows it to run at 10-16 during crafting of those solar panels. I would also recommend pre processing the nuggets and glass. In my case I did run the crafting in the early mornings when only a few players are online and disconnected parts of the system that weren't needed for the task.
Up to advanced the matieral cost ist quite okay. Solarflux panels which do 4k rf/t are on par with this. The Ultimate is clearly a bit expensive, but taking into account that we have a mineral-fll world (Dense ores, Speed3 EQ using 20k power only) this should be okay.