Implemented Me System with 2 Quarry+s 1 Pump+ griefed in Quarryworld, Monster North

Discussion in 'Monster' started by weed_is_my_cheat, May 21, 2014.

  1. weed_is_my_cheat

    weed_is_my_cheat Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:20 PM
    Hey guys, i hope im right here.

    Like the title says 2 Quarry+s 1 Pump+ and a whole me system with loot from 3 Quarrys and 4-16k storages got stolen.
    Ich hope you can help me out

    x: +171
    y: +70
    z: +308

    Thanks for reading, have a nice day :).
  2. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    3:20 PM
    Thank you for the report! Found the culprit. I will attempt to find the items he stole and return them to your base, no guarantees though! In the future if you can use the ticket system that would be great :)

    Thanks again! :)
  3. weed_is_my_cheat

    weed_is_my_cheat Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:20 PM
    Thanks for the quick answer
    Thanks for the quick answer and sorry for the late response, i went to bed yesterday after opening the Thread.
    Didnt know about the ticket system, but i will use it next time for sure ;).

    But again to the missing items, did you find any of them?
    Assumably not, because i didnt find any items in our base.
    I would be very gratful if we at least get the Quarrys and the Me system back.

    Thank you again, i really dont want to make you guys any pressure and i really appreciate your work here.

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