Has anyone mined koboldite successfully in Infinty? I have tried multiple setups with hobgoblins "leaded" to a fence with all types of pickaxes. I've used enclosed areas with a vacuum hopper and chest, "free" roaming areas with chests, enclosed "free" roaming areas. Diamond, iron, stone picks. I've tried having them mine stone, cobble, all vanilla ores ... but no koboldite. Each setup has runs for days; in-game for many hours. Not a speck of dust. TLDR; Have you mined koboldite and, if so, how? Thanks guys.
Back on DW20, I spawned HobGoblins till I got one that traded the dust with me, bagged him in a safarinet, and used MFR's autospawner to spawn multiple goblins that all had the same trade available. Re-did this for the nuggets, and for the ingots (need to find one that trades dust->nuggets, then one that trades nuggets->ingots)
Staff only : Ticket on the issue We have typically just added a recipe in the past; what Pi said will work but it is quite tedious to do and it doesn't work on all packs (ex: regrowth where there is no MFR). @MrWisski ; He added it to Regrowth so I'm sure he could add it to the infinity servers.
As this issue seems to be resolved I will be marking this as done. Please feel free to open a new ticket or thread if any further issues occur. Thank you for being a valued member of the MYM Server and Forum.