Heyo The "Crafting Cleanup Upgrade" from logistic pipes does not have a recipe. I remember talking to the devs of L.P. back when this pack came out and it was suppose to have a recipe. We did make one as I put it in. But now it seems to be missing? Most likely do to the server updating since then. I am requesting that the recipe be put back in. We added it in the first time due to L.P. being the main crafting system in the pack, this helps reduce the amount of server resources that the mod uses. Just drop this into the same file that the SirWilli Ender Tank recipe is in and it will show up in game. As long as it is also downloaded by the client but I'm sure you knew that already. Spoiler: The Code Code: # Crafting Cleanup Upgrade recipes.addShaped(<LogisticsPipes:item.itemUpgrade:26>, [ [<ore:dustRedstone>,<ore:gearDiamond>,<ore:dustRedstone>], [<ore:gearDiamond>,<ore:chipsetQuartz>,<ore:gearDiamond>], [<ore:dustRedstone>,<ore:gearDiamond>,<ore:dustRedstone>] ]); Thank you much for taking this under consideration.
Maybe... I think we did add a replacement pack but I am not sure. On the other hand, Tekkit Legends is still downloadable in the launcher and playable online on the network.