Done Mobspawner not work because of limited mobs ?

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by teufler80, Mar 29, 2015.

  1. teufler80

    teufler80 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:43 PM
    Hey Guys

    I got the problem that my MFR-mobspawner wasting energy and fuel, does the spawn animation, and nothing happened. I asked in Public chat and they sayd the reason is that mob spawns has been limited. Can i get a number how many mobs ca can spawn around a player/chunk. I was forced to run around and kill every living thing around my home to get my spawner spawn a few mobs =( Maybe increase it a little ?
  2. mikkelnh

    mikkelnh New Member

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    8:43 PM
    magnum torch so mobs dont spawn around your house and think you maximum can have 6 player spawned mobs in a chunk not sure tho
  3. teufler80

    teufler80 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:43 PM
    Maximum 6 spawned mobs ? isn't that a bit low ? o_O

    Seems like 2 escaped because i can spawn a maximum of 4 ...

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