Hello. Im playing on Direwolf20 Node 2. I have a bug with morph. As human form i only have 3 hearths, where i should have 10. Its like the server still thinks im a bat morph. And when im turning to a bat form, i have only a half a hearth. So i was wondering if anyone could reset my player data? Thanks. IGN: pla2n96
Can someone go into his player data and change the generic.max.health to 20 ? This might help aswell. This doesn't work It has already been tried by someone else who used to have this issue.
Hello pla2n96, I'll tag a @Junior Administrator to help fix this issue for you! Thanks for creating a thread and letting us know.
Hey your player health should be fixed. Going to mark this thread as done. If it doesnt work just reply here and i get an altert. Have a nice day