I had a few issues powering my galacticraft stuff with the various enegy options. A galacticraft energy storage cant connect to anything except an energy transfer node, or Al. wiring... A Thermal expansion cell cant conenct to AL wiring but can to rednet energy cables... so I spent a whole day trying to connect the various Tier 1 and Tier 2 devices trying to get it all working. Can Al. wires (and heavy variant) be modified to work with TE energy cells? Or rednet energy cables with galacticraft machines? Its made (trying to) reach the moon unneccicarially complex. I dont mind having to use GC energy cells or TE energy cells as a wire converter at this stage of the game (junction boxes), but it made my flower based power incompatible with my GC manufacturing.
I'm afraid there's probably no way to make the wires and cells work with each other without going deep into the mod and changing the code which would then by breaking the mod . Your best bet would be to use galacticraft power until you have got to the moon and grabbed some lunaruim and then you can make more power sources as well as power cables
noted. Just thinking back to B-team where conduits linked everything, though leadstone conduits arent in this modpack. Someone just commented ingame that Ender IO no longer connects to GC machines this update.