MYM being social? Pfft! Absurd!?

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by ItsNora_, Nov 3, 2015.

  1. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    Local Time:
    8:58 AM
    So just a question, does MyM use any social Media? Things like twitter and/or Facebook etc. It would be a pretty good idea imo. If we had twitter there could be announcements about server faults, contests and such on there mainly being that some people may not have a forum account or daily access to it but have access to twitter (I don't know how that works but hypothetically speaking) I also see the downside. It means more area for staff to cover, but with added support from people in the community it could work.
    Also, has MyM ever had a YT channel? I understand everyone has there own individual channels but what are the chances of having a community channel, one like Minecraftdotnet on YT, people make there videos with there own intros etc and email them in to the channel and the "owner/curator" decides what goes up and what doesn't.
    Just a thought ;)
    pizzaluc likes this.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    9:58 AM
    We do have facebook and twitter accounts but it was never really used. Only some time ago to announce announcements.
    I'm not really sure what you could announce on twitter and it would probably only make sense if all admins would have access to it which is always a hassle if here are so many pages with different accounts where the staff needs access.
    We also have a youtube channel but only german stuff from our old ultimate server.

    MineYourMind - YouTube
    Mine Your Mind
  3. Fousicek

    Fousicek Well-Known Member

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    9:58 AM
    OK so we can make videos in English and send them to be avealueted ? Sorry by bad english i am in hurry llittle bit.
  4. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    8:58 AM
    I like this Idea, But im pretty sure we had this discusion already and its the part where they get "Evaluated" They way I think of it (My personal Opinion) Is that its not for series in such, More of looks around the server and then these Videos get put into a competition where the MyM Community Votes for the best one to upload, So its more of a general decision. It would have to happen every month or something to give people 4 weeks to get the video done. While this is my decision I would like to hear everyone elses.
  5. Ksparlor

    Ksparlor Well-Known Member

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    3:58 AM
    I'd like the idea of someone doing base tours and recording them for the youtube channel.
    CommonExplosion and joices like this.

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