Implemented Name Changed - Never been on forum until now

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by 16_Bytes, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. 16_Bytes

    16_Bytes New Member

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    5:50 PM
    I changed my name quite a bit stayed but 1 mod and 2 plugins data I noticed didn't come with my new name the mod was the baubles mod and it resulted in me losing my demonwings which remain on that account and the 2 plugins which was market and the portal plugin. I would really appreciate if you could find any relation between 16_Bytes and nubstuff5 and transfer the data from nubstuff5 to 16_Bytes. Please talk to me about this, I see now the warning but I have never seen this forum until now.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    5:50 PM
    Baubles and portal should be back. Market can't be changed.
  3. 16_Bytes

    16_Bytes New Member

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    5:50 PM
    Thanks mate, appreciate the efforts and no problem about the market. You're a legend.

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