Hello, a friend of me is inactive atm and his claim will be auto-abendoned in 2 days (got a server-message telling me so while building in his claim). sadly I cannot get into contact with him. would it be possible to transfer the claim to me, so I can keep it and give him trust when he comes back later (in a few weeks for example)? thanks in advance best regards
Hello JohnBonDovy, do you have a location for your friends claim as well as their name so I can pop over to it and see about getting it transferred for you? I await your response.
lol yeah sorry about the wait the coords are: -3511,,-1263 the name of my friend is NightcoreNekoh thanks a lot again
Alright, I've got the claim ownership successfully transferred over to you now. It's safe and sound from deletion. If you have any further troubles, please don't hesitate to reach out to us again. Best of luck.