On my old minecraft acc with the name "adibajor1" i bought premium but now i made a new account named" Sellio" and i want to ask if its possible to get the premium from my old acc to my new acc
I couldn't find any name history. If it is another account, the transfer is not possible without proof that both belong to you. Why did you switch to another?
Did you make a forum account with your old username? If so posting in this thread from that account would probably be adequate proof.
Using Slinds original Response it may be beneficial to formulate the thread as follows in order to answer all questions and make it look clean: New Account: Old Account: Premium Rank: Reason Why you switched: If you have it as well ai'd suggest finding the order confirmation to further prove you made the purchase aside from owning both accounts. Good luck.
sollte bereits. probier mal /kit (das + kommt erst mit dem nächsten restart, ist aber auch nur visuell)
Ah ok geht danke[DOUBLEPOST=1430203701][/DOUBLEPOST]Eine frage noch: ist es möglich die kits zu wechseln?