Ok , The quarry world that we have now is pretty nice but its like an another world that cant recive any energy from tess and cant recive any lava from the ender tank so i thought that if u have some time u can make a flat mistcraft world wich no monsers will spawn in it becuse it will a mushroom world and and u can make it to allways be sunny , so we will be able to get tess and tank in there and they will work. It wont take as much space as our quarry world now and it wont get more entites. Pls take that advice i just want to quarry easly and to have less lag. Danielbh108
The reason that the quarry world can't receive power through tesseracts is because it is hosted on a separate server, and the reason we do this is because we don't want quarrys running on the same server that people are able to build on because all the running quarries lower the TPS, so we want them on a completely isolated server to make sure they don't impact the performance of the 3 build worlds (north, south and east). In order to make a mystcraft age where you could transfer power/lava via tesseract/endertank directly from your base, it would need to be on the same server that you are trying to send power from, which would actually mean that we would need to have 3 "quarrying ages", 1 for each build server (rather than one central quarry server shared between), and due to a chunkloading issue with mystcraft, instead of reducing lag like you seem to think, this would actually very quickly KILL the performance on all 3 build worlds, so I'm afraid it is never going to happen. We intentionally designed the quarry world so you can take 10 obsidian with you, make a vanilla nether portal near your quarry, and then go through and pump lava from the nether on the quarry server and send it via endertank to the quarry overworld, so you can use lava to power your quarry that way if you want, or simply charge up a couple of resonant energy cells at your base and take them to the quarry server with you to power your quarry. Unfortunately, we do not see any practical way to make tesseracts viable for quarrying, and I doubt that will change any time soon.