Opinions Needed: Having a Build Team.

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by Arreme2000, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Arreme2000

    Arreme2000 New Member

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    3:58 AM
    Hello, many of you know about my fail about the Vanilla+ Spawn, the server runs different id blocks so the work was useless. Anyway, I'm here to bring you a thing that, in my opinion, will improve the server a lot: Having a Build team.
    I have already commented this to Tapercrazy_jay and the reply that I got was: "We don't have builders, we only call members to build the things".
    Okay, there is no problem about this but, I think that, having 10-15 persons that work together and also they can get experience with time is not a bad idea.
    They will help building and renovating the spawns and new things too in ALL the servers.
    I'd like to add that, The Spawn is the first thing that a player see, if its not well-builded he will have a bad impression, is just how it works.
    Thats all! Hope I've expressed my idea correctly.
    Remember to post your opinion and have a nice day! The idea is not finished but sure that can help and improve the server!
  2. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for taking the time to post your suggestion. This has been something that has been talked about and debated before. We don't do this as we have no sort of "downtime" activity to keep specific members of staff around for. We generally put out a call to staff when we need a spawn or place built. This allows the staff members that are also interested in building to help out and build something together as a team (thus allowing team building as well). Usually 1 or 2 senior staff help come up with a vision of the spawn and guide the other members. While not a builder myself, it's been great fun to watch and listen in on the team as they work.
  3. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    we have an unofficial build group, but as Lucid said, its nothing official. Its more of a shout out for help rather than a specified group of people designated as "builders". ^_^
  4. Arreme2000

    Arreme2000 New Member

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    3:58 AM
    Ah, okay, thanks for clearing up this suggestion ^^. Also @LucidTheStick , and that it will be awesome, I could have any possibilities to actually enter to this build team group :p?
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2015
  5. Chetwynd

    Chetwynd Well-Known Member

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    Well i think you would need to be around and on the server maybe if there is a build going on as its just a call if anyone wants to help and then its all a team effort. In other words. Im pretty sure if theres a build you make in singleplayer and send it to @RomaDaddy He can view it and if it fits the build properly then it could get copied in maybe.
  6. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Often when a spawn build is happening the staff that are doing it will all be in a specific channel together on the mym teamspeak server.. if you spend some time getting to know some of our staff on teamspeak and manage to catch them when a spawn build is taking place then that is by far the easiest way to be considered ;)
    Just gotta be in the right place at the right time and know the right people kinda thing!
    Arreme2000 likes this.
  7. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    9:58 PM
    Also, make a few previews of your build talents on our servers. If we see you are a great builder we will have an easier time considering you for the job ^_^.
    Arreme2000 likes this.
  8. Arreme2000

    Arreme2000 New Member

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    3:58 AM
    Okay, many thanks ^^. As I don't really like to build in survival ill just continue building the spawns of the servers in singleplayer just 4 fun. Ill keep putting them in the showcase section ;)

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