Hi, I wasn't sure if this was the right section of the forms to put this or not but i did. I was wondering since Im about to set up a quarry is there a way you can configure a sorting system to send ores to EnderIO Sag Mills then Alloy Furnaces and everything else like cobble directly to the AE System. Any help would be appreciated as I am new to modded minecraft.
There's a few ways you can do this. One would be to use an ender chest (colored and private) and use an import bus with a filter for only cobble and send that to the ME system then have the rest pump out via item conduits with filters so you can send the right ores to the right machines (recommend filters on the conduit connected to the machines so that way the conduit pumping from the chest will still pull all items out of it). Then you can pump directly from the sag mill into the alloy smelter with no conduits required as both can input and output from the sides into other machines. [doublepost=1511223283][/doublepost]If you really wanna get fancy with it, you can place the item conduits where your power conduits are (is using EnderIO to power it) and then pump the finished ingots back into the ender chest and have the import filter those as well with 2 capacity cards and 2 acceleration cards.
Personally I set it up as Follows: Ender Quarry -> Ender Chest Ender Chest -> Whitelisted AE Import Bus Ender Chest -> Blacklisted Conduit -> Diamond Chest Diamond Chest -> Whitelist Conduit -> Ore Processing Diamond Chest -> Blacklist Conduit -> Trash Can.
After watching videos and doing some of my own testing in a creative world I've decided on a system it goes as follows Ender Quarry To Ender Chest Ender Chest To Whitelisted Conduit that's hooked up to a chest Diamond Chest to Sag Mills Sag Mills to Alloy Smelters Alloy Smelters to Diamond Chest Diamond Chest to ME import bus Then I have everything else getting dumped straight into the chest that my processed ores dump into. Note: I forgot to hook my new Ore Processing system back up to my Crafter setup which compressed the cobble so if you run a similar setup and decide to keep the cobble do that.