I was wondering if I could get an admin or mod to help me get to a new otherlands structure. I've tryed spawning a portal in several dimensions but I just get stuck in the void. Are we only limited to one structure per person?
no there not u just have to find them staff arnt going to help you with that[DOUBLEPOST=1462948108][/DOUBLEPOST]scratch that its AG so theres a recipe right?
You can, but when I make the portal that should spawn the structure, all I get is void. It worked on the first try. But now I need a second and I'm only getting void
I've tryed it in the nether, the end, the deep dark, and 200 blocks away. I'll try again on the opposite end of my base.[DOUBLEPOST=1462952428,1462949135][/DOUBLEPOST]tryed it 1000 blocks away and still void. don't really know what to do at this point
It definitely works in single player. I didn't even have to fly very far to create a new structure. Not a pack bug
So you created 1 item which worked fine then you created another one and it spawned you in void? How many did you try in singleplayer? In which world did you use the first item on the server? Did you try it at the spawn yet?
yes, i only got void after the first portal, i tryed 7 times, 4 in the overworld in various places, some 100 blocks away, 500 blocks, 500 blocks in a different direction, and another 1000 blocks away. once in the nether, once in the deep dark, and once in the end. i didnt know you could do it at the spawn. and on singleplayer, it worked every time in every dimension as long as it was a few hundred blocks away.[DOUBLEPOST=1463025511][/DOUBLEPOST]thank goodness i had sigil of the phantom bridge or else i would have lost a ton of items and rage quit[DOUBLEPOST=1463029589,1463025467][/DOUBLEPOST]is there any other way to get more primordial pearls?
portal in a box[DOUBLEPOST=1463029984][/DOUBLEPOST]Portal-In-A-Box 6656[DOUBLEPOST=1463073643,1463029907][/DOUBLEPOST]I don't know if it's just me but I tryed some again today. Once in the nether and another far from my base at different hight levels and still got void. I did find some random bee hives tho XD
I will when I get done with school tomorrow and I will let you know immediately[DOUBLEPOST=1463261559,1463207801][/DOUBLEPOST]yay it works now, thank you so much