So im trying to use project red pipe instead of TE pipes. I want to add charcoal to a group of steam dynamo's from a DSU. I followed along with a few tutorials but ended emptying my DSU into the pipes to watch it bounce around. The setup is as follows DSU > routed interface pipe with item extractor xyz upgraded > item pipes > routed interface pipe attached to the dynamo with a item responder. This empties my dsu into the pipes and fills the dynamo. If i use item stock keeper, nothing happens no mater the filter mode. Any tutorials to show something like this I added an item responder to the interface at the dsu and the charcoal goes back into the dsu instead of bouncing, but it takses 3-5k charcoal out, runs it around and brings it back . Is this the right way? It doesn't seem to be affecting the /tps but i would like to be sure this is correct