Implemented PvP in the nether and mariculture: Hard Plastic/Natural Gas

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by AlienBrain, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. AlienBrain

    AlienBrain New Member

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    12:26 AM
    There needs to be full out pvp in the nether, not one were you can enable and disable at will. We also need an alternate recipe for hard plastic since we can't get natural gas on the mod. :3
  2. Vanroden

    Vanroden Guest

    for Recipe conflicts go to the official FTB site and post it in the bugs section: Agrarian Skies: Hardcore Quest Bug Reporting | Feed the Beast

    As for the PVP switching, not everyone like PvP. i dont think forcing it on people is fair.
  3. AlienBrain

    AlienBrain New Member

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    I thought that was the whole point of implementing the pvp. Last time there was a post like this i think they solve the demon shard thing by making a recipe. The reason why we can't get hard plastic is due to no being able to get natural gas and i thought we were going to stop being carebears about the nether (no offense but it just takes the fun for a lot of people and is not real pvp).
    cbrozak likes this.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    It is 100% pvp and raiding in the nether. The issue should be solved. ;)
    @AlienBrain any recipe suggestions for it?
    cbrozak likes this.
  5. AlienBrain

    AlienBrain New Member

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    12:26 AM
    1 plastic sheet surrounded by Limestone
  6. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    6:26 AM
    Added with next restart ;)[DOUBLEPOST=1398290653,1398224801][/DOUBLEPOST]Changed recipe to this:
    Use the MyM Launcher to see it in game.

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