Qintsal´s Adventure

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by Qintsal, Jun 19, 2015.

  1. Qintsal

    Qintsal Well-Known Member

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    9:01 AM
    Dont really know why but i have this short story in my head and it want out. Sorry for bad grammar/spelling :D

    A few weeks ago i found this strange land. Most of the natives have been friendly the few hostiles have been slayed fast. After setteling down i found out that the land was called "Mym-Land". What a strange name but who am i to say that is wrong. The natives, still friendly, turned out to be mostly crazy. I felt home :D Soon i did build a huge City on my own, conquered other countries and slayed even the greatest hostiles. I guess around that time two evil Wizards became jealous about me and started to slow down the time. At first i didnt think it would turn that bad as it happen. Sadly i couldnt stop the Wizards. They slowed time even more to the point it frooze. But it wasnt enough. They didnt stop and keep going to the point time itself begin turning backwards.
    I wasnt able to do anything but watch when Minecraftia started to fade.

    Finally the evil spell ended and with it all life of Minecraftia. All life but not me. I was alone. Everything lost, my pigs, my cows even my neighbors :( Everything i had was a small clay island floating in the sky and a tree. I knew i had to rebuild the world of Minecraftia! I was wondering if the world was created that way the first time? Or was it even the first time? Anyway, i started to work as hard as i could. Fast i could expand my small island to a giant trasure cove for all life. Even for the hostile i had a special room. I became god! My own creation, i called it a "computer", was too powerfull. It needed more energy. Whatever i did wasn´t enough so i decided to build a nuclear powerplant to speed things up. A god need to be fast! After a few minutes my creation was online a produced alot of power wich feeded my computer. I had all i needed to rebuild the world. Flowers, animals and even my neighbors, i did create them all from just clay and a tree! But what was that? Suddenly something did hurt me? It was impossible! I was god himself my armour couldnt be harmed even by another god. I paniced. Was it my nuclear dream that would be my doom? I frooze in place and the last thing i saw was how everything i worked hard for was on the ground. Everything turned black and i did realize i was thrown high into the air. I left Minecraftia. Forever?

    I did wake up in a strange land. Everything was lost, my armour, my god-like power. Everything! I looked around but nothing was there execpt gray dirt. When i looked into the sky i was shocked. Is that really Minecraftia above me? How can i get back? Can i go back? I hadn´t time to answear those question as evolved hostile creatures attacked me. I ran for my live and found an abadoned sience lab. Once again i started to work on my own to rescue Minecraftia.

    Slind likes this.
  2. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    3:01 AM
    Dang. I remember when Computers were the hardest thing to program, and didnt need any power. Very nice story though. It seems very Technic-esk. With computers and those Nuclear reactors that could explode everything you own. Now a days, the reactors just eat through more fule .-.
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:01 AM
    this was very much probably SF2, and btw, IC2 reactors still have a higher explosion power than the nukes from IC2, so idk what you are talking about, and explosions are planned (i belive) for the Big Reactors mod sooo
  4. ZzConradzZ

    ZzConradzZ The Purple Cat

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    3:01 AM
    IC2 are deadly :p Reinforced Glass could even be broken by them. Not very fun to set up either, though your Big ones take a little bit more time to set up.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    4:01 AM
    read the entire thing in context, and you'll understand a bit more ;)

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