Since the Twilight forest and Aroma dim are all disabled, how are we supposed to get the quests in the quest book? Im assuming we cant, If that's the case, would it be possible to change or remove the quests?
Changing or removing the quest would be a MYM launcher specific change only and is something that is generally avoided unless absolutely necessary. None of the quests mentioned, or the RFTools Dimension quests which are also unable to be completed, block progress to other quests or give any rewards. So changing/removing them would cause potential complication since not all players use the MYM Launcher (shocking! I know) and would give no real benefit. I hope this info helps you to understand a little more about why some seemingly simple changes are not made.
I thought quest book quests were server side? Thats the only reason I made this post in the first place. I know they dont block progression, but it does block quest book completion.
It is possible to enable the sending of the quest book to the client. Can you create a list of Chapter + Quest name of the quests which require those worlds?
I'll do that when I get on in the next few hours! [doublepost=1513622136,1513615503][/doublepost]Sufficiently Advanced Tech, The Twilight Zone, Requires visiting the twilight forest world. Twilight portal is disabled. Miscellaneous Machines, That new mine smell, Requires a mining multi tool and 6 portal frames. Mod is disabled. The twilight one could be changed to just require a diamond and some flowers, The Aroma one could just be removed. If I find any more impossible quests I will post here about them.