I know the servers have the mym loader but in single player, what's the chunk loaded radius? I've seen a few different answers but they come back to 'whatever your render distance is set at'. Is it that correct that if I downloaded my 3x3 island as long as my render distance was set above that, it'd be permanently chunk loaded and wouldn't need a mfr chunkloader/chickenchunks etc. Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
It will chunk load only the amount of chunks it's set to. Can see chunk lines by pressing f9 twice. As for how to get tickets and more info you can go here and read more.
I know about the mym loader, I'm asking about offline single player Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
Both work off of chucks also not render distance. Spoiler: Mfr The Chunk Loader is a machine added by MineFactory Reloaded that will consume liquid fuel and energy to keep chunks loaded. It can be noted that ars essence, mob essence, and liquid ender can be consumed by the machine to lower the cost of chunk loading by 80RF/t/Chunk. These are able to be used on Funky Locomotion frame structures. In default config settings, the RF/t cost increases exponentially. This has a cap of 8385 RF/t at a radius of 2 chunks. Spoiler: Chicken Once open, the GUI can be used to configure the loading radius and the shape of chunks to be loaded. You can also visually see the chunks being loaded by pressing the 'Show Lasers' button. In addition, the Chunk Loader is owned locally by the crafting player, so the block cannot be configured by anyone except the owner of the block.
No I know that, what I'm asking is how does singleplayer work, are the chunks in your render distance chunk loaded automatically like a few people have said or does the world need to loaded by a machine such as mfr or chickenchunks Spoiler Inmultiplayer mode, a grid with a defaultinradius of 10 (for a total of 21x21 or 441) chunks is loaded around each player and sent to the player by default, although this can be configured to be between 3 and 15, usually only lowered with a poor connection home server. Chunks within the set range may have activity (mobs spawning, trees growing,water flowing, dropped itemsdisappearing etc.), while chunks outside of this range are inactive, and are stored on the disk This is what I'm asking about, if the radius is the view distance, does this rule still apply on single player where a 3x3 island will be perma loaded while I'm playing if my view settings are set at 7 for example Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
on the topic of chunk loading, what is the server set to for chunks loaded around each player? been trying to set a few things up and and having trouble with things not progressing while i'm somewhere else on my island.
The servers are set at the chunk you're in is loaded the rest aren't without the myn loader Use /cm for more info about the setup Sent from my D6503 using Tapatalk
From what iv gathered in single player chucks are loaded off of render distance correct. For example if you have 2 render distance then 2 chunks in every direction will be loaded. I tested this using a ender pearl in single player increasing it and decreasing it testing if the chunks were loaded. So to answer your question if you have 3 render distance + it should load the 3 chunks of the island around you, but I would still recommend using a chicken chunks loader to be on the safe side, but is not needed.
I'm not sure. Thing is Forge does start a server when playing single player. Probably best to try out. I would recommend the enderchest + ender pouch for that. Just fill or empty the chest with conduits and watch with the pouch.