What are the best and not banned/disabled growth accelerating items what work on Nether Star AgriCraft crops
Sprinklers, Lilypads of Fertility (I think), Growth Pulsers. They all work. I couldnt recognize an issues yet with the Pulsers, they work fine. Sprinkers on the other hand get very laggy, both fps and tps, if you overdo them. What usually works is to set them up with 2-3 blocks between them. Try to avoid any loops in the water paths as well. Just don't overdo it, or someone will replace your base with a massive block of Bedrock.
though they wouldnt work on nether star crops anyways as they have to be under the farmland to work and Nether star crop need awakened draconium blocks to be under the dirt to grow
well anyway, lillypads of fertility do work, and also the amulet of growth is pretty cheap, but it does an area around the player, so its not passive, that and they have to be replaced every now and then.