Done Question about rules

Discussion in 'Pixelmon' started by DunkmasterSans, Apr 15, 2017.

  1. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:51 AM
    If someone is on your claim and you want them to leave are they obligated to do so? There is a specific individual for whom I have certain distaste for and it took a good 10 minutes for he/she/they to take the hint and leave. There is another individual who shall go unnamed because I respect the privacy of these disputes who keeps saying "It doesn't matter. He can stay" Is there anything in the rules that describe a situation such as this? If the answer is, "No, they can come and go on what amounts to be your private land any time the please," then I will accept it, but protest greatly. To me privacy and the ability to allow only people I trust or respect near or in my private spaces is a right in real life, and I view social servers like this one to be an extension of real life. People who invade my boundaries in real life are repulsive and need to learn to have common decency and empathy. Anybody who can't or won't show this kind of respect are the epitome of immature and childish in my eyes.

    To add to the description of the situation, a legendary spawned and multiple people tried to TP. I clicked "Deny" on this person and yet he appeared anyway. As an extra is there an option to auto-decline tps from specific people? I doubt it but figured it wouldn't hurt to ask.
  2. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:51 AM
    Line 4 of the first segment in our rules HERE.
    "Entering other people’s property is only allowed when the owner has given you the permission to do so."
  3. DunkmasterSans

    DunkmasterSans Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:51 AM
    I see, thank you. I was quite sure I had read it in the past, but certain people on the server were adamant that it didn't matter. Thank you for the swift resolution of the matter, and I hope you have a good evening/day/night.

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