Questions about 'griefing'

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by CaptainPrice_, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. CaptainPrice_

    CaptainPrice_ Well-Known Member

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    10:16 PM
    I have not had anything stolen from me, this is just a suggestion - a thread to possibly spark discussion about safer communities.

    As it stands (and pizzaluc was kind enought to answer most of these questions for me) having items stolen from you after /trusting someone is not considered griefing. I understand wholly the consequences of doing this. I will have typed /trust, meaning the burden falls on me. After that though, players have no recourse as far as getting anything back except asking the other player nicely. What is to stop people from getting trust on someone's plot and cleaning them out? And continuing to do this? What if this were to happen to 100 people from a single player? Again, I understand the burden falls on the player, but it's very easy to take advantage of a situation like this. Would it be so far-fetched to ask for an option for players after this has happened to them?

    If nothing is approved for player recourse after this happens, what is a solution I can implement currently with the setups we have now? What plugins can I utilize? Would Towny be out of the question? Is there a way currently for players to live in the same base while still having a chest or a few or whatever that allows for safe item storage? Maybe a chest protection plugin? or a door protection plugin?

    i.e. Lockette - Bukkit
  2. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    I think it would greatly improve the community if people can share bases more easy without having to fear that everything is gone the next day.

    But i can also see the problem that we cant punish people if they take something after they have been trusted. When you get trusted its basically sharing anything anything with that player in the claim, and it don't make sense to punish people for stealing stuff they have the right to themselves, and a lot of twist can come out of this.

    I like the idea with locked chest so you can have some private items for a time, seeing each other out. If it can be done without everyone needing to use the mym launcher because its a custom mod.

    - pizzaluc
  3. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    You can subdivide the claims, i mean if you have a giant claim and you are the owner, you can divide that claim and say: this part X person have access, the other part Y person have access, and on the other one X and Y have.
  4. CaptainPrice_

    CaptainPrice_ Well-Known Member

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    10:16 PM
    If modded servers work the same way as vanilla servers, plugins work for anybody who joins regardless of launcher. Nothing would change except for being able to protect chests. Nothing else would have to be downloaded or modified.
  5. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    4:16 AM

    well that works too
  6. CaptainPrice_

    CaptainPrice_ Well-Known Member

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    10:16 PM
    Would you like to elaborate on commands and such :>
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    While there are single block protection systems, they are by far not enough. We would need to block other stuff within a 20 block radius which would make it pointless. Instead I would recommend the use of mods. There are quite some that add chests that can be locked and a like. If that is not enough you can create a small room for everyone with a sub claim.
  8. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Hold the golden shovel and type the command /subdivideclaims that will put you into subdivision mode as long as you keep the shovel in your hand (it automatically returns to normal claim mode if you switch to a different item).

    Then just as with making a claim in the first place, you right click the ground anywhere inside your claim to mark the first corner and then again somewhere else to form a subdivision between the two points, the inside of that subdivision then has it's own trust settings that are independent of the overall claim.

    Now when you invite someone you don't fully trust to your claim you can do /accesstrust <name> to only give them the ability to use doors, buttons and levers inside your entire claim, but not build or open chest, then you can make a subdivision around the shared part of your base that you want them to have full access to, stand inside that subdivision and do /trust <name> which will give them full build rights in that subdivision or even just /containertrust <name> to only give them access to chests but not the ability to place or break blocks.

    I've never actually tried it myself, but I believe you can also do it the other way around too, so you can do /trust <name> while not stood in a subdivision to give someone full trust to your entire claim, but then stand inside the subdivision and do /untrust <name> which should revoke their trust only inside that subdivision, so you could use that to create a "vault" that only certain people have access to that you keep all your valuables inside.

    Also like Slind said, there already are a number of existing mods on most of our servers that have some form of protected storage, Thermal Expansion for one has the Strongbox which you can craft with a signalum security lock to give it a special tab on the right hand side of the GUI that allows you to set it to be either Public, Restricted or Owner Only.. the first and last options are obviously self-explanatory, but if you set it to Restricted mode you can then allow only certain trusted players to access it too by using the command /cofh friend gui which opens a menu that lets you add players to your trusted friends list.
    Mijikai, M1NN10N and Zxirl like this.
  9. CaptainPrice_

    CaptainPrice_ Well-Known Member

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    10:16 PM
    I appreciate all the feedback. I think this will solve all my problems. Thanks guys.
  10. Tabsz

    Tabsz Well-Known Member

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    9:16 PM
    I know most people don't know how to subdivide the claim or use anything but the default Minecraft chest, so thank you for explaining that in a clear easy to understand way Chaos.
    Personally I like the strong boxes for not only their security features, but the main reason I use them is you can shift right click on them with a cresent hammer and all your items inside stay intact and its easier to carry/move if you want to move your base. Plus, the chests are upgradeable to a larger storage. I think a single chest will hold a vanilla double chest and maybe a little more at the higher level.

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