Quests like Similiar in alpha and Transfer Node Upgrades dont want to validate the items for me when i have all the items in my hotbar And its a bug what randomly happens on a random quest i think but i can be mistaken
this is always an issue with BQM try placing them (if they are blocks) and checking if they have two pages of stuff needed
If it is a Retrieval quest, you need to have all the items (at 100% condition where applicable) in your inventory at one time. Placing a block type item and picking it up can help (seems to be required to trigger the Capacitor quests). For Crafting quests, items made before unlocking the quest will NOT count, nor will items crafted in any form of auto-crafter. Build the required item in a standard Crafting Table/Station, AFTER unlocking the quest for it to count. If these steps fail you, look to see if a Jr.Admin (such as myself, who plays on Kappa) or higher is online, we can check the questbook for you and complete the quest manually, IF required.