Me and Adrianfish have been randomly crashing near our base. Here's the crash-report if that helps: Would you know why? Thanks!
Code: Details: Name: yabba.barrel // com.latmod.yabba.tile.TileBarrel Block type: ID #3070 (tile.yabba.barrel // com.latmod.yabba.block.BlockBarrel) Block data value: 2 / 0x2 / 0b0010 Block location: World: (-123,47,3330), Chunk: (at 5,2,2 in -8,208; contains blocks -128,0,3328 to -113,255,3343), Region: (-1,6; contains chunks -32,192 to -1,223, blocks -512,0,3072 to -1,255,3583) Actual block type: ID #3070 (tile.yabba.barrel // com.latmod.yabba.block.BlockBarrel) Actual block data value: 2 / 0x2 / 0b0010 Remove that Yabba Barrel.
Well...we've crashed again trying to do it, but theoretically it's broken looollll[DOUBLEPOST=1494729043,1494728140][/DOUBLEPOST]Are all the Yabba Barrels broken? I have a mob farm in my base and I use yabba barrels to collect the drops... when we look at the crash reports, they are saying different coords, but I know that's exactly where the barrels are...?
I couldn't tell you if ALL of them are broken. It is quite possible that they are all broken. I suggest taking them all down and seeing what happens from there.
We got them removed thx, it seems that we cannot break them when they had items in it as that made us crash aswell. We went to another area with the barrels and Bangarang86 didn't crash but I did. here is the crash-report of the new area, is it the same crash reason? Spoiler: crash-report [DOUBLEPOST=1494731301,1494730061][/DOUBLEPOST]Going to add more to this, we tried replacing them once they were all broken and the same thing is happening as before. Seems like this update broke the barrels.
Could either of you try to delete your minecraft instance and reinstall it (The entire folder where the pack is installed)? I am going to see if I can narrow this down before sending this to the devs of Yabba Barrels
I have deleted the folder as you requested. This time I used a barrel connected to a chest by item conduits so items would be getting transferred into the barrel. Once the items were transferring into the barrel and I unloaded the chunk and reloaded it I crashed. When the barrel wasn't connected to the chest I didn't crash but I only unloaded the chunk once. Spoiler: crash-report