Regarding Server TPS and policies

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by kurikaktus, Mar 14, 2014.


should we limit magma dynamos to 8 per player?[read my argument on why before voting]

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. kurikaktus

    kurikaktus New Member

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    6:41 AM
    So the other day TPS was around 3 to 5. The problem is if this goes on to long it might hurt the reputation of the server. This server is great and the admins are too for all the hard work they've done and I wouldn't want players to leave because of the TPS.

    I went to sleep after that low tps thing and logged in again when I woke up(probably the same day for other people cause my timezone is +8:00), the server has surprisingly high TPS. The number of players aren't event that few. I've seen lesser players with lesser TPS. The tps was around 17-20. My conclusion was, someone has a laggy base that brings the TPS down.

    I suggest we make a policy about builds. In a previous server I used to play on, the owner was really strict about lag generators. He sounds like an ass sometimes too but he really means well. Esponage1 can back me up on this one =P. He would forbid spamming BC engines and limiting it to about 8 or so. I'd like to quote our previous admin in saying "this is SMP not SSP, if you want to make a laggy setup and eat up alot of resources, do it on your own PC, not on a server where everyone else shares server resources". He would also ask sometimes if you really needed that much power/resources.

    I've roamed around our current map and listened in on server chat. Based on what I got, the usual trend is to spam power generators that are lava based. I do believe that Dynamos are less laggy than BC engines but then this is just my guess.

    On a side note, if a player desires more power, he should focus more on generators that produce more per block/multiblock/entity and not spam single lower power generating blocks. In a way, it forces the player to learn and read more on the mods and not just copy paste the old generator. The player would be forced to innovate. The player should also make the setup efficient as to not waste energy and make more generators to produce more energy.

    If we do have this kind of policy, the problem now would be how to enforce it. A while back before I joined this server, I hosted a private server for my friends and I had to go through all the mods to see which ones are useful, which ones are redundant, and which ones are useless and disable them. I read about this one Mod, opis. I haven't really used it in game in our server but based on the things I read about it in the forum, it can profile and collect data and detect the slowest chunks. It does affect server performance while it does this though and I'm not sure how patient the players would be. This is my suggestion on how to detect the laggy areas.

    here's a link to the opis mod if you guys are interested in reading
    [1.6.4][Server Admin] Opis 1.1.2 Alpha - Now with entity support. - Minecraft Forum
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:41 AM

    yes opis is fine to determine machines and chunks with a high update time. But atm the biggest issues were special zombies which took 20% at a time we had 4tps. So calculate that down. 20/4=5 | 5*20% = 100%. That means only the special zombies would put the server below 20 tps, without anything else. Another thing with similar cpu usage (since the update) is the power armour from machinemuse, which is causing a lot of cpu usage on calculating the weight, heat, speed.. on EVERY tick. Another thing was bloodmagic which was at 70% until we re-added our fix. A few more mods which cause issues are ender io conduits and the thaumcraft movement speed calculation on every tick.

    This is why the power armor will be restricted for premium only. Same for the ender io conduits after a reset.

    Yes players who play just to get everything as big as possible are a pain in the ass for the server, but at the moment most problems are related to very bad performing classes in mods which are called every tick.
  3. Iron_CK

    Iron_CK New Member

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    12:41 PM
    I voted yes because if you don have like 8 magmatic engines the user's base could be like a little more vanilla.

    Btw what is tps?
  4. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    11:41 PM
    TPS stands for Ticks per Second, its basically a measure of how well the server can handle the load it has, when the server is running smoothly the TPS should be 20, but as players/mod-mechanics cause more and more work for the processor, the TPS begins to drop, and once it gets down to less than 10 that's when you start to really notice it in-game...
  5. Iron_CK

    Iron_CK New Member

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    12:41 PM
    Thx and when tps dropping is like more chunks are loaded or more animations are loaded right?
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    12:41 AM
    the animations are only on your client side, but yes and especially when there are a lot of machines or mobs in that chunks

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