Can Pixelmon please be updated, there are tons of claims on it and tons of buildings that have been abandoned not many people play on it anymore but there are a few that still do. I went on it today and i saw a few players on it and they told me that this is an issue and there is alot of new stuff missing. Something that says there hasn't been much attention to it, is the sign in Poke Center near the healing stations that still says Co-Admin, it has been a few months now since we changed the title of that. I know Mijikai left staff and he was the admin who played it and ran the server but this really needs an update and a wipe of the server. The server is almost or is a year old.
This has been discussed before, something about the updates past that version are 1.8 and MYM cant support 1.8 servers at this time although i fully agree with you
I myself have actually been working on a private server for my family to use. I can tell you now that it is truly a pain to setup a 1.8.9 server, not only is the plugin selection very limited, but the things you can find are very hard to get to work together. If MYM was to even attempt an update it would be fully standalone, and by that i mean it would be disconnected from the network entirely.
Also the way Minecraft are chugging out updates we could even be on 1.11 by the time we get a 1.8.9/1.9 server
If we cant update it can we atleast reset the whole server, its becoming old and I think if we reset the server we will have more people who use to play it come back again.
Just because you reset a server doesnt mean more people, it needs some PIZAZ and unfortunately in its current state it doesnt have that
Yes, in its current state its really boring. Something needs to be done about the server it seems to be very neglected because not many people play it.
If it is all reset, I request a schematic copy of my safari zone lol. The reason you cant add mods to pixelmon is because of the devs, the refuse to let anyone use their mod with others easily. It took use a long while to even get them to let us have it on our launcher.