Broke my RS system drive bay to relocate to another location. Using A Diamond Pickaxe Upon breaking the Drive Bay Dropped but the 3 4k and the 1 16k drive did not drop. Sorry about my misspelling lol just realized the title
Hi Lorddryst, I'm sorry to hear your drives did not drop. I know how frustrating it can be to lose something to what appears to be a bug. I will go ahead and forward this thread to our @Junior Administrator who can investigate in game for any potential bugs. However, please keep in mind our refund policy found here. Best Regards, -Tipsied
Thank you for the reply. I'm not worried about the lost items. I just wanted you guys to be aware that there was an issue in case it happened to anyone else.
Hello, We are aware of the issue. We have sent this to the appropriate developers to hopefully fix this in future updates of Mods and Plugins. Thank you and have a lovely day. -Aiden