I swapped for the first time to my original body after the update. It erased my inventory on my original (both 2 PR exploration backpacks and contents, my TK knapsack and contents, all armour, all inventory all quickslots, all tools, all XP, everything). swapped back to clone, erased all its stuff (all tools, knapsacks etc (made 2 of everything)) It erased my genetics on both. did a test. Held some ice shards in quickslot and inventory, swapper to origianl, erased both. Not a fun day for me. Lost a lot of safari netted pets, spawners, and an entire set of machines for an animal based farm. *sob* I've started to rebuild what I can of it, however best test it a bit. Dont want this horror to happen to anyone else. *mourns the loss of her two netted dragons, and 8 slimeling eggs*