Hello MYM! it is I the Braun_ Lets get Crackpack 3 brought to MYM. It would fit perfect into the line of 1.12 servers MYM. Crackpack 3 would introduced a normal 1.12 kitchen sink pack vibe like infinity. This pack has a great mix of magic mods, tech mods, and also freaking Chocobo's Also what would the pricing be to open this server like regrowth but sponsored by the brewn! Spoiler: Mod List https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/crackpack-3/relations/dependencies
Regrowth was an exception because there was almost no interest to bring it back (except from wyndman I guess), because numbers were not good. So they needed a little (financial) push. A new pack like crackpack would definitely bring players in, so while I appreciate brauns interest to sponsor it, we have to be careful that this does not become the new normal. Crackpack can stand on its one. And so can regrowth at least for now when I look at the player numbers. I think crackpack would be a great addition to mym.