Welcome! I'm Making "Shaf'sTecPack" i will add a list of mods soon. this is only be for the mym launcher if @SirWill or @Slind Accepts It. In Currently In The Making Stage! Post below what u would like to see!
Nice that you are building a pack. just kinda hard to give any feedback at this point. since mod packs takes weeks or months to make, i would if i were you focus on making the pack, and then when you have anything concrete, (story line, mod list, what makes this pack special) to show. i would make another thread about feedback and maybe alpha testers... never made a mod pack myself, but just my 50 cent good luck
I wish you luck on your modpack and hope for the best. But just to offer some feedback on the many modpacks that I've watched come and go... 1) Get a detailed project plan 2) Identify resources and time commitments 3) Create a next steps list 4) Obtain permissions and build mod list 5) Then maybe kind of think about getting feedback/public interest 6) Tweak and tune configs 7) Alpha 8) Seek hosting/sponsorship You've jumped a head and tagged 2 Founders of a large modded network with no idea/design/game plan. I understand you have lots of ideas and are excited, but you've put the cart before the horse. Not to be a debbie downer but it comes off as trying to use the MyM name to launch yourself and putting the cart before the horse. Just my 2 cents for a personal level and not as a staff member. =)
You aren't nearly ready to even approach anyone yet. You have an idea with no work product or plan. Get those sorted then try to approach someone =)
k ima post my plan soon [DOUBLEPOST=1445278742,1445277072][/DOUBLEPOST]---Plan Uploading Soon!--- (Post your ideas below!)
for fear of seeming incompetent, lots and lots of magic, like the big three mods (botania, thaumcraft and blood magic) with forbidden magic and witching gadgets for amazing integration, then i would consider this pack, also ragrding server side, i am willing to help, just, as lucid said, form an idea and atleast a rough outline of mods first, before you start something like this
As I have had my fair share in creating modpacks (Am working on one now) Before you ask for it to be hosted somewhere you need to get some stucture at least. Modlist, Permissions for the mods, Story line, Infact Lucid made the perfect list for this. And if your wanting some advice. Im sure @caithleen can give you some verbal advice
first of all, is this an HQM pack or one of those packs withought a story e.g. direwolf 20, and also if it has magic, might i recomend calling it "shaf's multi pack"?