Hi as discussed with other players on teamspeak, we realised when wanting to move to another server or modpack, our claimblocks are currently unable to be reused elsewhere as the shop currently only gives Tokens:ClaimBlocks 1: 10 Can you add next to that a ClaimBlocks:Tokens as inverse 10:1, therefore tokens being global across all server could then be used to buy claim blocks on new server. Or if one is say abandoning the claims on DWN1 and then goes to IN3 (standalone) are the claim blocks global across servers regardless of linked or standalone? If not then the idea above to have a shop option to convert 10 blocks to 1 token would greatly be appreciated by many players Or this there another method to do same idea?
It is intended that you can't transfer claimblocks to other servers. Why vote if you have already enough tokens?
"ninja-like" draven strikes again I see.... lol ....any second now followed by chugga ... lol thats fine It was more about if packing up on one server to move to another, but thats fine if nothing can be done I guess