Should Departed have Claim Plugins?

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by MrSquidward_, Jun 13, 2015.


Should Departed have a grief protection plugin?

  1. YES

    2 vote(s)
  2. NO

    0 vote(s)
  3. Potatoe

    1 vote(s)
  1. MrSquidward_

    MrSquidward_ Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:50 PM
    Alot of people requested that Departed needs a grief prevention plugin, so lets see how many people want Departed have grief protection.

    Im sure that if Departed get's grief prevention plugin alot of people will play it , alot of people quit it because they got raided, the awsome city where i lived have been griefed and raided so alot of people from this village just quit, I quited too because I just dont want my house getting griefed other times and rebuilding it.

    PS: Change the name and prefix of the thread :D (change the potatoe to potato.)

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