Done "Silver"greatwood logs

Discussion in 'Mine Your Galaxy' started by atesz8916, Apr 15, 2015.

  1. atesz8916

    atesz8916 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:41 PM
    Please someone explain to me, why or how are change the Thaumcraft wood logs?

    I know it is Silverwood, and if a chop off, it is drop silverwood and when i place back it is turn into greatwood.

    Depends on the direction?

    Why i can't place mana bean to greatwood anyway?

    I don't know how i placed mana bean to that...( Silvergreat wood) and the third why i can't.

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  2. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    2:41 PM
    Sorry to hear about this issue. I hopped on MYG and started investigating the issue :)

    For a more detailed description of the issue:

    -Vertically placed Silverwood logs show up fine on WAILA

    - Horizontally placed silverwood logs show up as greatwood logs on WAILA
    - When broken, both logs retain silverwood item ID
    - Lastly; its pretty darn random which ones won't accept mana beans. It isn't an issue with placing mana beans on Silverwood vs Greatwood. The light level for the area is 15. I tried breaking and replacing. It's quite strange.

    @Co-Administrator could someone help further investigate? I'm out of ideas what could be causing this issue.[DOUBLEPOST=1429133630,1429131638][/DOUBLEPOST]I also want to add. I just got a thirty minute base tour. The people that live here are really kind, helpful and were not jerks about the issue. So don't be afraid to help them:p
    atesz8916 and _Cilo_ like this.
  3. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Local Time:
    3:41 PM
    I believe that the cause of this might be due to the fact that the metadata isn't stored correctly, because if you look at the TC stuff, all of it practically has the same name just a different metadata

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