Implemented Silverfish spawn eggs recipe not working

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by Ghosttail, Jul 30, 2014.

  1. Ghosttail

    Ghosttail New Member

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    10:04 PM

    Yesterday I found out that NEI has recipes for a reproducer that can create spawn eggs out of another egg and an item. Only one recipe allows a player to get an egg in the first place; silverfish stone (IDs 97(smooth stone), 97:1(cobblestone), 97:2(stone brick)), either of those three in a magmatic centrifuge with a nether quartz and lava. This would result in one silverfish spawn egg.

    This, however, does not work. I put in the silverfish stone, the nether quartz, and the lava (full tank). The centrifuge will not run.

    I don't necessarily need eggs anymore, but I thought it would be appropriate to report this as a bug, as silverfish spawn eggs are not present on the banned items list.

    I play on the Horizons server.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:04 PM
    It is not indended to craft them, also not in vanilla.
  3. Ghosttail

    Ghosttail New Member

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    10:04 PM
    There's a machine that allows for spawn eggs to be produced by means of a recipe. For example: silverfish egg into the left slot of the reproducer, add a raw fish in the bottom slot, and a silverfish scale in the top, and you get an ocelot spawn egg. But there's also a recipe for a silverfish spawn egg, though, it doesn't work.
  4. YourMCGeek

    YourMCGeek Well-Known Member

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    4:04 PM
    You could try blood magic[DOUBLEPOST=1406763607,1406763563][/DOUBLEPOST]And if you play on horizons, why is this in Agrarian..?

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