Here is my full crash-report. the basis of it is, java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Default value cannot be lower than minimum value! this only just happened, and i have no idea why. it does not do it in single player, only upon joining MYM.
need to three OTP'd, Spelosty, pcrbuilder, Toxic_Death_IV, and Inumel[DOUBLEPOST=1463773629][/DOUBLEPOST]I would like to add, that we have a cursed earth based mob farm. Could that be doing it?[DOUBLEPOST=1463793205,1463773468][/DOUBLEPOST] I can confirm it is a mob, every night, or even in our mob farm, something spawned that crashed us. we had to take down our spawner and light up everything completely to get it to stop, and even then if we accidentally made a dark patch, suddenly we'd all crash
I assume you could login again if you removed the spawners. Marking as solved. Edit: Open - Skyfactory 2.5 Deepdark crash | MineYourMind Community