Welcome Members, Last times I used Smelterys to kill mobs to get Emeralds etc. and had to feel with the Whole Community. In Fact, the Lag is Created from error mesages, I can't tell if that are the Mobs or the Unsmeltable Items (Popys, Gold Coins). The Wheired thing is, that a bigger smeltery does lower Lag that a smaller. Hope for fixing / Tinkers Smelterys produzieren Lags durchs Mobgrinden zum erhalten von z.B. Emeralds oder Iron. Dabei Handelt es sich um Serverlags, entstehend Durch Fehlermeldungen (oder einen Bug der diese Ausgibt) Meine Vermutung ist, dass diese Durch unschmelzbare Items entstehen (Goldcoins, Popys...) Fakt ist, dass Große Smelterys weniger Lag produzieren, als klein. Kann allerdings auch ein Issue von besser verteilbaren Vacuum Hoppern sein heinrich27 (sry for the Bad English)
Is this still an issue? Please let me know as if it is we need to address it and if it no longer is we can close out the thread. ~Grey
I would say: yes, but im not sure, cause I only use the one which does player lag (7x7 outer size). Im not allowed to test things like that on the server, but I think its still an issue of having laying items in it Heinrich