Hello, I logged on after eating lunch, and saw that my blaze spawner had been taken. I'm not asking for it back, I know the no refund policy. I'm just curious. How? It was gone without a trace, and the whole area is claimed. I had a mod come check it out (Cant remember who because I have no memory) and he couldn't find anything. There are two ways to move spawners, block teleporters and Porta-spawners. Since block teleporters require placing blocks, and you couldn't straight up break it, I'm wondering if Porta-Spawners have a protection bypass. I would like to help look into it. Your friend, Dark
Martin tried to check with you about this in game, Dark. To my knowledge, porta spawners don't have a protection bypass (I've never heard of this being an issue), but as we also know, if someone broke it, it would also have simply disappeared. But let's see if we can trace it. Stand in the area the spawner was in and do a /modreq - that will give us the exact co-ordinates that the spawner was in and will allow us to check logs to see if the claim was in fact bypassed.