Done Spot loader and the Magmatic Dynamo

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Flibberdee, Mar 30, 2015.

  1. Flibberdee

    Flibberdee Well-Known Member

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    So I have a tessarract feeding 4 magmatic dynamos, and a spot loader in the chunk to keep it loaded when I am online. This in turn feeds an energy cell for AE2 to power my storage. When I log on my dynamos always have magma in them but there is no power on my system.
    I have taken it all apart and put it back together and while I am online it powers fine. As a matter of a fact several times I have logged off and checked my cell and it is at full power. When I log back in the next day the cell is at 0 AE stored and I have to break the feeder cable to the energy cable and let the dynamos start charging themselves, which doesnt happen automatically either, then put the line back together and it works fine as long as I am on.
    Any ideas as to why this might be happening? I am using TE Redstone Fluxduct to which my dynamos are attached which lead to an energy converter that leads to a energy cell from AE2 to my network.
  2. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    does the power cross a chunk boundry when connecting to AE system. If so the chunks need to be loaded by the same chunk loader, (not two spot loaders).
  3. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    I don't want to say this is correct.

    It's either A or B.. Chunks are either loaded, or not loaded.

    ChickenChunks Chunk Loader can load a 3x3 area (9 chunks) or you can have 9 individual spot loaders.

    As long as the two chunks are being loaded by spotloaders there shoudn't be any issues.
    bobthepig2 likes this.
  4. Flibberdee

    Flibberdee Well-Known Member

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    No it is all inside the same chunk except my inscriber. That is sitting just inside the chunk next to it. Also I if I use my network tool on my AE system it will tell me 156 AE generation 57 AE used but the stored power will fluctuate and if I click on it again I get totally different numbers on generation and usage...Like 3 of dynamos are not producing power or 2 or none. I know some of this is based on lag but I would like to figure out how to get a stable power feed to my network.
  5. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    i chose to get better stability for power to hook up to my dynamos cryo-stabilized fluxducts, but that's just me, and if you can't make it, i don't blame you
  6. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    What node are you on? I can probably just hop over and help you fix the issue.
  7. Flibberdee

    Flibberdee Well-Known Member

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    The Chunkloader does not function like this on MYM. They have changed it so that it will only load 1 chunk and that cannot be changed. It is best to go ahead and upgrade to spot loaders so that you can load a 3x3 area.[DOUBLEPOST=1427756918,1427756768][/DOUBLEPOST]I am on Node 4 but I am wont be on till later. chugga I will see if I can make those I have lots of resources....if I can get into my storage =). It just odd that the numbers fluctuate so much and that I come back online everyday to find my cell completely drained. Maybe I should just put in a TE cell and take out the AE cell and see if that helps.

    Thank you all for your answers I will keep at it and see if I can find an answer.
  8. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    try hooking the thing up directly to a draconic energy storage block, max teir you can build, and you should be fine
  9. Flibberdee

    Flibberdee Well-Known Member

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    Chugga I would but I think to date I have found a grand total of 6 pieces of draconium ore. I really hope to find more soon but I dont think I can compete with some of the others and their get it done attitude. I cant keep up with those guys they move to fast!
  10. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    LOL dude, takes 10 minutes of flying in the end to find a comet :p
  11. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    with a single chunk loader, at range 2 all 9 chunks are loaded togethe, then connections set, With separate spot loaders the chunks are loaded separately and depending on order the cross chunk connections may or may not be loaded.

    The chunks are loaded only when they player is online. and unloaded when they log off, then reloaded at login.

    In any case its best to not have conduits, ducts or pipes cross chunk boundries best to do that with remote solutions such as tesseracts, dimentionial transceivers, and ender tank/chest.
  12. Flibberdee

    Flibberdee Well-Known Member

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    After some tinkering with the system I have noticed that though the magmatic dynamos have a full tank of lava their internal storage never moves off of 0. This includes dynamos I am using in other parts of my base. My TE machines have full charge but the dynamos show zero charge internally.
    I have found if I keep the dynamo gui up for about 2 minutes the internal storage starts filling, then things get better.
  13. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Have you tried to use lava generators instead of dynamos?
  14. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    more expensive for the same ammount of RF/t produced, their ineffecient for power generation per iron that way

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